Make Grading Student Work Easy
It’s safe to say that teachers have a never-ending to-do list. It’s all too much with a classroom to manage, lessons to plan, and don’t forget about the stack of ungraded papers haunting your desk. So how will you ever get it all done?
Reality check: You won’t!
The sooner you realize that it’s impossible to do it all, the sooner you can find tools to simplify your teaching responsibilities. Then you’ll have more time to do whatever you want to do! And that makes you a better teacher!
So today, I’m sharing 5 ways you can enjoy your free time instead of grading student work. I’ve sprinkled in tools to help you simplify your systems and maximize your work time. Take a look…
1. Leave Work On Time
Do you like to spend your Friday evenings at school, finishing work, so you don’t have to do it Monday morning? Set up systems that allow you to leave on time during the week. It will save your sanity! Trust me.
2. Host a Bachelorette/Bachelor Viewing Party
Ok, so you may not be into reality TV, like yours truly, but take time to invite a few friends over for a good time. Instagram has some great ideas for get-togethers, like a #boardnight where everyone brings their interpretation of a charcuterie board. Check out the hashtag for creative ideas!
Another fun trend is an “anything but cups” challenge where everyone brings something to drink out. The only rule is it can’t be a cup!
Whatever you and your friends are into, assigning self-checking Google Forms assignments like reading comprehension passages gives you the time to let loose and have fun!

3. Give Yourself a Facial
After the day you’ve had, you deserve to pamper yourself. And now you have the time because you don’t have to worry about grading all that student work.
I love a facial because it’s relaxing, and my skin looks bright and smooth afterward. So my go-to mask is Beautycounter’s Reflect Effect AHA Smooth Mask. Not only does it use non-toxic ingredients, but you see results in 10 minutes!
4. Sleep Instead of Grading Student Work
Naps aren’t for everyone, but imagine being able to go to bed early and get your full 8 hours a night in…sounds luxurious, right?
Getting the right amount of sleep will make you more productive and awake during the day. This will allow you to keep up on grading student work or find engaging activities for your students like the Map Skills Escape Room that is perfect for assessing student knowledge, and you don’t have to print or grade a thing! Check out 5 Ways to Use the Map Skills Bundle!
5. Fun Time with Your Family
Weekends are supposed to be a time to decompress, but if you have a stack of papers to grade or lessons to plan, they hang heavily over your head. You deserve to be fully relaxed and present with your family — it’s priceless. So when you have simple (and cute!) planning tools like Google Slide Templates, you’ll be able to take the time that belongs to you and actually use it for you.
Set up systems and use resources that save you time because you give so much of yourself as a teacher. You deserve to take your time back and feel rejuvenated and whole.
If you want to try out a digital resource, download this free 10-minute digital lesson template for Google Slides. You can plan quickly and even add links and photos for your reference. Then I’ll send you a new template to try out every month!