Teacher Self Care
As teachers we are not the best at taking care of ourselves. Teacher self care seems to fall to the bottom of our long to do list. We think busy is normal. I totally get it, because I am guilty of it myself! At times I even feel overwhelmed by the thought of teacher self care. Why you ask? Because it is one more thing to add to that to do list! Can anyone else relate? That is when I realized that self care doesn’t have to be this extra thing I need to think up to make myself feel better. It can be simple things that I already do daily. Basically, think of it as a restructuring of what you already do. Ok, let’s talk teacher self care ideas!
Unplug: I am a technology coach so I love this self care teacher quote: “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” – Annie Lamott. I know, a little nerdy, but so true! I am often so plugged into everything that I forget that simply taking a break from screens is self care! So put your phone on do not disturb, take a break from the computer and TV. What you plan to do during your moment to unplug is up to you. Remember not to be hard on yourself. I’m not saying you need to unplug for a specific amount of time, because there isn’t a magic number. Does this mean you have to sit in silence and do nothing? Nope, cook dinner, go outside, read a book, or talk with family. Whatever you do don’t forget this self care tip.
Teacher Burnout
Build in rest: We often view rest as something we do when we are done with our work. Why not switch that thought process and view rest as the force that drives productivity. As teachers we continue to push ourselves to work as hard as we can, while telling ourselves that we are fine. When in fact teacher burnout is a real thing. If you are reading this right now I bet you have experienced teacher burnout, and can share that it is not something you recommend. Change your mindset, and instead of resting if you have time, build rest into your schedule. Remember, think of rest as that force that will drive your productivity instead of something you do if you have the time. You will see the results if you take the time to try out this teacher self care idea.
What I like about changing your thought process when it comes to resting is you can also use this with your students in your classroom. Rest is a great productivity strategy you can build into your day, and a valuable skill your students can use as well.
Self Care Ideas
Cut something out: This next self care tip may seem a little daunting, but I promise it will help. Cut something out of your regular schedule. Take a few minutes and reflect on your routine and what you do every day. Is there something you can cut out or adapt to make your life easier? This can be as large or small as you like. Productive people are continuously analyzing whether something is really necessary. If there isn’t something you can cut out in the moment, then maybe try saying no to something. Saying no doesn’t have to be a negative thing. It establishes boundaries and can show you value productivity. Try saying no to something and explaining why. Your explanation doesn’t need to be an excuse, but a justified reason as to why it doesn’t serve you or the other person in the moment.
Done is Better than Perfect
Done is better than perfect: I am so guilty of taking too long on a task because I want it to be perfect. Sometimes it is ok to just let things be, because done is better than perfect, and good enough is ok! You are probably the only one who even knows the difference.
Self Care Activities
Something that makes you feel good: This last teacher self care tip is my favorite. Find something that makes you feel good, but make it something that is already part of your routine. For example, my something is my skincare and makeup routine. I know what you are thinking, how is that self care. Well, it is something I do every day, nothing extra and the Beautycounter products I use I love and they make me feel good! It is already a part of my routine, nothing additional. I took something I do each day and turned it into something I enjoy. I discovered the company Beautycounter. Their mission focuses on getting safe and clean beauty into the hands of everyone.
Through Beautycounter I turned an everyday task into something I enjoy while also changing what I put on my skin. I’ve found it makes me happy to use products that are clean and safe for myself and my family. This small adjustment really changed this mundane task for me. What can you change in your life that you already do to make you feel good?
As you can see I am all about simple and easy self care for teachers. Not adding a bunch of extra things to your already busy day! So, avoid teacher burnout by implementing these simple teacher self care ideas.
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